
The publication of this book marks another courageous breakthrough following "Human.Sexuality: The Unavoidable Pastoral Needs of the Hong Kong Church." One of the breakthroughs is that the queer theology explored in this book is publicly discussed and addressed for the first time in the theological field of Hong Kong. Another breakthrough is that the content touched upon in this book is precisely the "sexual" issues that the Hong Kong church and even theological institutions currently taboo and avoid, such as sex work, bisexuality, transgender, sexuality of individuals with disabilities, diverse families, and the most provocative and unconventional, the imagining of diverse desires of queer Christians. A third breakthrough is that the

Sexual/Beings III:  Queering Hermeneutics in Asian Chinese Contexts

Published by Queer Theology Academy and Hong Kong Christian Institute Limited

Selling Price : HK$108


We are more than happy to present our new book “Sexual/Beings III: Queering Hermeneutics in Asian Chinese Contexts” to you!

Thank you all of you to come and celebrate our joy in our book launch event on April 22, 2018.*

*This book is co-published by Queer Theology Academy and Hong Kong Christian Institute and is only

In God's Image - Special Issue on Queer Theologies ( December 2015)


The special issue of In God’s Image (IGI) is a collection of essays that engage in intersecting religious, theological, spiritual, scriptural, cultural and societal issues from queer Asian and Christian perspectives. 9 contributions focus on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex perspectives with critical queer theological perspectives that go beyond fixed, essentialist and identity-based ideas.  Guest editors of

New Book: Radical Love : An Introduction to Queer Theology (Chinese Edition)

Author: Patrick S. Cheng

Translator: Chan Wing  Choi, Daniel

Joint Publishers: Queer Theology Academy, Blessed Minority Christian Fellowship


About the Book

Radical Love : An Introduction to Queer Theology was first published in English in 2011;  the first introductory text book on the subject of queer theology.  Cheng  provides a genealogy of queer theology from the 1950s to today. He explains the themes of