Queer Theology Academy (QTA) organized the first Queer Theologies project for Asian Chinese LGBTIQ Christians in 2014, the first pilot Asian project of its kind. We plan to organize the second Queer Theologies Project for Asian Chinese this summer, with the support of Divinity School of Chung Chi College, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
The project will bring together 25-30 LGBTIQ Christian pastors and lay leaders from East and South east Asia for a week long intensive courses on queer theologies, queer biblical interpretation, queer pastoral counseling, sexual ethics, LGBTIQ history as well as spiritual formation.
The outcome is to enhance the skills of LGBTIQ Christian leaders in advancing their ministry, and provide resources to counter Christian right in their countries that are opposed to the equal treatment of LGBTIQ persons under criminal and civil laws.
Core Instructors
- Dr. Kung Lap Yan (Associate Professor of DSCCC and Director of Centre for Quality-Life Education)
- Rev. Dr. Boon Lin Ngeo (Rev. of Metropolitan Community Church of New York and Adjunct Assistant Professor of the City University of New York)
- Dr. Rose Wu (Former consultant of QTA and former part-time Lecturer of DSCCC)
- Additional 10 teaching assistants and translators.
Participants who complete the entire course and meet the requirements will receive a certificate of attendance from the Center for Quality-Life Education, DSCCC.
Workshop Fee
Total fee including Course fees, accommodation, and meals for each participant is USD$1,000. The organizer will sponsor 70% of the fee; therefore, each participant is required to pay USD$280 / HKD$2,180 (not including travel expenses to and from Hong Kong and local transportation)
July 9-14, 2019
Application Deadline
March 31, 2019
We Invite You to consider one of the followings:
You can sponsor one or more participant who has financial need or You can also sponsor any amount to help us run this project.
We invite you to recommend one to two persons from your Church/Fellowship/Christian community to submit an application with your recommendation letter.
We invite you to submit your application with one recommendation letter.
Contact Information and Download:
Ms. Pearl Wong (Director) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or FB https://www.facebook.com/qta.hk/.
Application Form: Quota Full